In Qua Potus Coffeae, Leviter Adumbratur, quem consens. nobil. Nec non Exper. Ord. Med. In illustriad salam lyceo, Sub Praesidio – Carl Linnaeus


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An original Linnean dissertation, complete with one plate.A medico-botanical study of coffee as a beverage, of the coffee plant (Coffea arabica L.), and of the harvesting and preparation of coffee beans. An historical review of the use of the beverage is given, noting that Europe’s first “Coffee House” was opened in Marseilles in 1671. The preparation of different kinds of coffee, utilising many other ground seeds as flavourants, is described. The account treats it to be more important for medicinal usage than as a beverage, noting it to be an anti-aphrodisiac, noxious to mental illness, and responsible for excessive flatulence and indigestion (allegedly sometimes fatal) when ingested to excess. Linnaeus reported that headaches are frequently relieved by drinking coffee. Signature in ink and old catalogue number in pencil to the front page. Fraying to page edges.

Publisher: Hindricus Sparschuch
Date Published: 1761
Publication Place: Upsala

Condition: Good to fair

Dimensions: 8vo, [ii], [10, 2-18, 1 plate

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Weight 1400 g