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SKU: 302693|~CSV~|Schlettwein-Gsell, Daniela (Ed)|~CSV~|Ernst Rudolf Scherz. Sudwestafrika. Jahresberichte 1962 - 1979. Namibia|~CSV~|Lives Legacies Legends 1.|~CSV~|Carl Schlettwein|~CSV~||~CSV~|2004|~CSV~|Text: German. Originally written for friends and acquaintances, these writings by the German rock art connoisseur, Ernst Rudolf Scherz offer intensive descriptions of travel and research, the country and its people between two worlds, Namibia and Germany. The diverse reports also reflect a piece of German-African colonial and liberation history from different perspectives. A number of b&w photographs. 149 Pages. Contents clean and binding firm. Condition: Good+. Binding: Softcover. Light edge-wear and rubbing. |~CSV~||~CSV~|350|~CSV~|Local History|~CSV~|Travel & Exploration|~CSV~|a|~CSV~|Local History;Travel & Exploration;Namibia; |~CSV~||~CSV~|800|~CSV~|Basel|~CSV~|Softcover. Light edge-wear and rubbing.|~CSV~|Book|~CSV~|Good+.|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~|Namibia;Tag: