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SKU: 302415|~CSV~| Stigand, Capt. C.H. and Lyell, D.D.|~CSV~|Central African Game and its Spoor|~CSV~||~CSV~|Horace Cox|~CSV~||~CSV~|1906|~CSV~|First edition, minor spotting, bookplate to the front paste down, original pictorial cloth a little bumped and rubbed. Numerous plates showing spoor and scats. Two life-size plates showing elephant and hippo spoor. 12cm repaired tear to the elephant plate, with tape staining. "Stigand and Lyell continue their encyclopaedic knowledge of African big game to detail where wild game will be found, its habits and how to make vital shots onrent species. Also of great interest are the life size hoof and paw prints, as well as illustrations of droppings. There is also an excellent chapter on rifles based on their own experiments." (Czech). |~CSV~||~CSV~|3000|~CSV~|Africana|~CSV~|Natural History|~CSV~|a|~CSV~|Africana;Natural History;hunting|~CSV~||~CSV~|1700|~CSV~|London|~CSV~|Hardcover|~CSV~|Book|~CSV~|Very good|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|28.5 x 23cm|~CSV~|N|~CSV~|First edition|~CSV~|Y|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~|hunting Tag: