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SKU: 300693|~CSV~|Pierre Fátúmbí Verger|~CSV~|Dieux d'Afrique|~CSV~|Culte des Orishas et Vodouns à l'ancienne Côte des Esclaves en Afrique et à Bahia, la Baie de Tous les Saints au Brésil.|~CSV~|Editions Revue Noire|~CSV~||~CSV~|1995|~CSV~|Text: French. Translation: The worship of Orishas and Vodouns at the ancient Slave Coast in Africa and Bahia, the Bay of All Saints in Brazil. Collection Soleil. 160 black and white photographs with captions. 416 Pages.|~CSV~||~CSV~|1350|~CSV~|Photography|~CSV~| |~CSV~|a|~CSV~|Photography; ;Voodoo; Religious cult;|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|Paris|~CSV~|Softcover. Thick pictorial card-wraps|~CSV~|Book|~CSV~|Very good+|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|14cm x 19cm x 3cm|~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~|Voodoo; Religious cult;Tag: