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SKU: 300692|~CSV~|Le Centre Culturel Franco-Namibien|~CSV~|Namibia. |~CSV~|A Homage to the Photographers of Namibia.|~CSV~|Editions Revue Noire|~CSV~||~CSV~|1994|~CSV~|Text: French/english. A collection of 64 photographs by: John Liebenberg, Djunior Svane, Namtenya Rosena Akukothela, Gerson Nghituwamata, Pedro Vorster, Howard Nicholas Buis, Tony Figueira and Maria 'Gethrud' Namundjebo. "This book, a joint initiative undertaken by John Liebenberg and the Franco Namibian Cultural Central, presents a picture of independent Namibia which is the product of a multitude of perspecives - professional and amateur photographers - blended together within a contact of the human, social, historical and political realities of the country. These people are those who, within this publication, talk with their own words." Collection Soleil - Art, Photography, Literature. 128 Pages. Condition: Very good. Binding: Softcover. Thick card-wraps with light edge-wear. |~CSV~||~CSV~|600|~CSV~|Photography|~CSV~||~CSV~|a|~CSV~|Photography;War|~CSV~||~CSV~|450|~CSV~|Paris|~CSV~|Softcover. Thick card-wraps with light edge-wear.|~CSV~|Book|~CSV~|Very good.|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|14cm x 19cm|~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~|War Tag: