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SKU: 7848|~CSV~|Prince Albert, consort|~CSV~|The Progress of Prince Alfred through South Africa 1860|~CSV~||~CSV~|Saul Solomon|~CSV~|1861|~CSV~|1861|~CSV~|The Progress of His Royal Highness Prince Alfred Ernest Albert through The Cape Colony, British Kaffraria, The Orange Free State, and Port Natal in the Year 1860."The contents include an illustrated account of the principal events during the tour, mainly reprinted from various Cape magazines and newspapers. Pages 168-180 contain a poem entitled 'A Word of Welcome' by John (afterwards Sir John) Robinson of Natal and 'Idyl of a Prince,' '(not after Tennyson),' by Advocate (A.W.) Cole. There are seventeen original photographs, nine woodcuts and an Index." (Mendelssohn, vol.I; pg 22.)This was the first book to be published in Africa using real photographs. It includes photos by the photographer Joseph Kirkman who was active in South Africa 1859 - 1870.The first ever commercially produced book to be published with photographs was seventeen years earlier in 1844. It was Henry Fox Talbot's The Pencil of Nature. Condition: Good. Professional repair to the top of the spine. Boards bumped and worn. Some soiling, foxing and creasing to the pages.|~CSV~||~CSV~|16000|~CSV~|Africana|~CSV~|Photography|~CSV~|a|~CSV~|Africana;Photography|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|South Africa|~CSV~|Original publishers cloth stamped in gilt.|~CSV~|Book|~CSV~|Good|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~|4to|~CSV~| Tag: