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SKU: 2845|~CSV~|Gerhard J. Fock|~CSV~|Felsbilder in Südafrika, Teil 1: Die Gravierungen auf Klipfontein, Kapprovinz|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|1979|~CSV~|1979|~CSV~|A German book about the rock art of the Cape Province. Includes black and white plates.|~CSV~||~CSV~|750|~CSV~|Africana|~CSV~|Art & Architecture (South African)|~CSV~|a|~CSV~|Africana;Art & Architecture (South African);Local History|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|Köln|~CSV~|Hardback|~CSV~|Book|~CSV~|Very good|~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~|N|~CSV~||~CSV~|Very good|~CSV~|N|~CSV~|4v0|~CSV~|Local HistoryTag: